Pickerel, 2013.

Pickerel, 2013.

I sure have been slacking on this whole blog thing.
I suppose it’s not that terrible, because I’ve been getting wrapped up in the actual happenings of life.
Or, maybe, just giving myself a lazy break, and enjoying it.

I went to my favorite place on the planet this summer. A tradition.
This was my 11th year there.
It sure has changed.
The first years were childless.
Skinny dipping, Northwoods bar-hopping, putting together 1000 piece puzzles, tooling around on a hundred year old pontoon boat, catching fish and frying them up..

We had to break up the drive there for the babies to get out and relax.
We chose to stop at a petting zoo in Appleton called Glaciar Ridge Animal Farm.
And there were water buffalo!

This year, the amount of people had grown exponentially.

It was fast-paced.
Scarlette, in the last 5 minutes of our 4 hour drive there, projectile vomited in the back of the car.
We pulled over to do a puke triage, then descended upon the cabin.
There was a bit of overlap for the other family that was visiting Caitlin and Andrew.
The kids kept telling me that we brought in a stench unimaginable.

“Ah, yes, well. Scarlette urled, so I’m sure it’s on us somehow.”
About 10 minutes later, Caitlin said, “Cass, there’s poop on your flip-flop!”

Later, it would be discovered that little Basil, Caitlin’s three year old, had been pooping outside for the duration of the trip.
I stepped in kid excrement, y’all.

Pickerel. Where all the magic happens.

Scarlette had a fever for the first two days.
It was stressful.

But Paige learned how to smile.

And we swam, and took hikes, and I made desserts that were worthy of Ezra.
Teenagers caught frogs for the littles.
Frog Catchin.
We took sunset cruises on the lake.
Paige practiced smiling.
Boys were boys.
Paige got better at it.
Close to perfect.

And I had a chance to do some photographic styling.

All in all, a good trip.
Made me more tired than before I went up, but like I said, it’s my favorite place on the planet.