This Site Needs A Revamping… Hey! Just Like Me!

This Site Needs A Revamping… Hey! Just Like Me!

Ahh.. But when do we not all need some sort of revamping?
A lot has changed for me over the past year, and this blog has been clawing at my brain for some time.
What on earth do I have to say? I pondered over and over again.
I can’t sustain a blog with weepy stories of how I got this way… Nay! It has to be about what I’m doing now. Which means, I have to do something. Now.
I should have known all along, my little friend. My follower.
From here on out, this blog is dedicated to healthy eating, photography, and my ridiculous musings on life and everything in between.
I am no longer getting those meals delivered, but have taken an active role at my local YMCA, and I’ve been eating spinach and shit. I count calories and work out at least 6 days a week. I have even joined some classes with (eek!) other people in them. As it turns out, it actually works. You know.. Doing work… Get’s results. Amazing.
Another realization about going to the gym? Nobody is looking at you like they can’t figure out what you’re doing there.
They’re all pretty aware. Most people in those scary classes? They’re actually extremely supportive.
As my dear friend pointed out to me a few weeks ago.. A lot of those people that you’re intimidated by? They used to be fat.
I’m excited, follower!
It’s going to be a new day! A new blog! Oh, the places we’ll go!